Saturday, 10 July 2010

5 Reasons Why Facebook Can Boost Your Business

Facebook is a massively popular site and by using a fan page you can start accessing over 400 million active users. A user base, that I should add, that is growing every single day.

But why should you use a Facebook fan page?

1 - Firstly, a fan page is an excellent way to build a comminuty online. As you are aware, the Internet is changing and becoming more community and socially orientated. Using a fan page as a place for your followers and people who are interested in what you are doing to come together provides you with numerous benefits. Your fans can provide testimonial, post pictures and video, hold discussion with each other and even comment on your posts. All of this helps to build a community and interaction with your potential and existing customers.

2 - Of course, let's not forget the benefit to you from a search engine optimization point of view. Facebook is a page that is frequently spidered by the search engines and is in good standing with them. By posting links to your websites on your fan page you can get a boost not only in being indexed, but in ranking too.

3 - There are plenty of tools within Facebook to allow you to analyse the demographics of your fans. These are called Insights by Facebook. Through a good understanding of these demographics you will be able to target your advertising precisely to meet the needs of your fans.

4 - There are many different options for you to communicate with your fans. You can start by updating your fan page which appears as a notification on your fans homepages or you can even send a message out to target a specific demographic of fan. This means you can really target your messages to get the maximum possible response rate.

5 - Finally let's talk about the price of all this. How much would you pay to access over 400 million users, to get a deep insight into your fan demographics and be able to communicate with them instantly? You'd probably be happy to spend a lot of money to be able to do all this, but Facebook provides it all for free!

Facebook fan pages can make a massive difference to your business. When you invest in the Facebook Fan Page Covert program you will be guided step by step through the process of setting up your fan page, building fans, promoting your website and monetizing it.

To be able to access this many targeted users is an invaluable resource and on that you, as an Internet Marketer should be tapping in to. Visit~> http: // now and start creating your Facebook fan page today.

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