Saturday, 31 July 2010

Fast Profit Page Review

Making money on the Internet is easy, as long as you know what you're doing.

The problem is that there is WAY too much garbage online - its either confusing or just plain useless and it covers up this simple truth:

If You Want To Make Money Online You ONLY Need 3 Things:

  1. A Website
  2. Visitors
  3. Products
That's all there is to it. Pretty simple, right?

The trick is to figure out what kind of website is going to pull in the kind of visitors that are going to spend money on the products you have.

If there is a genie in a bottle, that's it.

Once you find that "money road" in the maze of the Internet, you run straight down it towards big profits and you don't look back.

That's what I did. But it didn't exactly come easy.

Not easy at all...

To find out more visit => http://

Friday, 30 July 2010

Outsourcing and Delegating Review

1. Nothing in this program is theory. These are exact
step-by-step methods that Dan Lok uses every day in a
real-life, thriving Internet Marketing business. Dan
himself went from being a frustrated, burned-out marketer
working 80-hours per week - to a Multi-Millionaire who
works only 30-40 hours a week, takes his weekends off,
and enjoys many vacations throughout the year. These are
the EXACT methods he used to turn his business around,
and still utilizes to this very day.

2. You don't have to be rich or make a lot of money to
apply these outsourcing techniques. You'll even see how
you can get hard-working, qualified people to work for
you for free! Plus, you'll learn what aspects of your
business are the least expensive to delegate at first,
allowing you time to "build up to" the more expensive

3. The audio course is very easy to listen to since it's
broken up into short segments that are easy to follow
along. You'll easily be able to come back and review each
portion again and again so it "sinks in".

4. Anyone who listens to this course will be able to
apply the principles right away. This is not one of those
complicated management programs with a bunch of charts or
graphs - its rock solid "now go do this" information that
anyone can apply within minutes of learning.

5. These techniques are very easy to learn and implement.
In fact, that's the whole point of this course - to make
life EASY for Internet Marketers, allowing them to focus
on the core income-generating aspects of their business.
All of the complicated, nit-picky detail work can be
outsourced to others…making their work much more

6. These methods have been "field-tested" by Dan Lok's
personal coaching clients. His clients have paid as much
as $15,000 to learn the same exact techniques that Dan
reveals in this audio course. All of Dan's clients who
apply his techniques have immediately experienced the
time-saving, money-making freedom that can only be
achieved through effective outsourcing. Now you can learn
the EXACT same techniques…at a fraction of the cost.

7. This audio course exposes the LIE of the "internet
lifestyle" that so many Internet Entrepreneurs have
bought in to. It explains WHY they've gotten themselves
into the time-consuming rut that they're in. It then
shows exactly HOW they can get themselves out of it - in
shorter time than they ever imagined, simply by utilizing
tried-and-true outsourcing techniques even some of the
world's greatest internet marketers don't know about.

8. This audio course covers totally unique and revealing
information that you cannot find anywhere else. Most
Ebooks and audios simply focus on "tactics and tricks"
that are mostly rehashed from other sources. Yet this
information is what most struggling internet marketers
NEED to hear desperately, but most of them don't know
where to look. Dan shares many very personal insights
that give a "fly-on-the-wall" perspective into a
real-live, thriving Internet Marketing Business.

9. This course will empower the Internet Marketer at ANY
level to take more time off and set up "make more money
while you sleep" systems that REALLY DO work. The "light
bulb" will go off for anyone listening to this who has
struggled with the question "how am I supposed to get all
of this done?" Immediately it will become apparent to
anyone listening that they've been working TOO HARD and
not SMART.

10. As a bonus, they will also receive 4 bonus valued at
$346.00: Bonus #1 An Audio Interview with Sam Knoll,
founder of "Dirty Work Solutions" ($99.00 Value), Bonus
#2 Audio "How to Deal with Information Overload"
($29.00Value), Bonus #3 Audio "The Greatest Success
Secret In The World" ($199.00 Value), and Bonus #4 Ebook
"Time Stretching Tips" ($19.00 Value).

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
There's Only ONE Way to Double Your Time Off While Adding
$5000…$10,000…$30,000 in Profits to Your Business. HINT:
It Has Nothing To Do With Techniques, Tactics, or Tricks
…and You Can't Learn It In an Ebook or a Seminar

Go to =>>

I really can't recommend this resource enough!
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

Wednesday, 28 July 2010

Authority Job Killer Review

For those of you who got into the internet marketing business hoping to work from home and making a fortune out of it, I’m sure you’ve come across dozens of home courses and seminars that teach you how to earn a living online. You’ve probably even encountered a dud or two in your attempts to find the right course or product that will help you make your fortune.

How do I know?

I’m one of those guys trying to make it rich from home.

You see, I’ve tried dozens of these internet marketing courses, I’ve done reviews on tons of them, but I’ve only ever liked a rare few to the point that I’ve almost become jaded with the kinds of products that promise to make you rich by working from home.

So when I came across Authority Job Killer, I wasn’t very impressed to begin with. I assumed it was the typical “get rich quick” products that I had come across before. But when I started hearing positive reviews about it, I decided to give it a try.

What did I think of Authority Job Killer?

Honestly? I liked it.

Consisting of a very in-depth manual, a process map, and 3 videos, Authority Job Killer is perhaps THE product any “home entrepreneur” should have if they’re just starting out in the internet marketing business.

I’m not going to lie; Authority Job Killer covers pretty much what you’ll find in other “home business” products, but the major difference Authority Job Killer presents is the amount of detail contained within its pages. From the basics to the finer points of internet marketing, Authority Job Killer addresses practically every issue a beginner would have in terms of making money online.

=> http://

The manual provides a detailed, step-by-step blueprint on how one can get started right away. Beginning with the foundation of any internet business, the brains behind Authority Job Killer (Joel & Alvin) spares no expense in elaborating on the 3 profit principles that are essential to any business, especially the IM business.

On top of the detailed concepts and techniques, Authority Job Killer also provides some invaluable resources that can get you started at almost no cost at all. There is a wealth of these resources within its pages, and you’d be hard pressed to find one you won’t like.

Even if you’re somehow distracted or overwhelmed by the level of detail in the manual, you can always turn to the process map that is included for your convenience.

The accompanying process map serves as a point-to-point guide, and it’s really just the entire manual condensed into an easy-to-use graphical format, so rest assured that even as you try to absorb the amount of detail in the manual, you will never be lost with the process map.

And let’s not forget the 3 videos thrown in. I’ve always been partial to videos where IM products are concerned, and I think the guys behind Authority Job Killer have done a pretty decent job of coming up with an instructional video guide for the entire course. Using the process map as the main guide, the guys show you “live” site examples so you’ll know exactly where to go and what to do.

All in all, if you’re looking for a “home business” course that’ll get you ditching your day job and working from home, Authority Job Killer, in my opinion, definitely lives up to its name.

=> http://

Tuesday, 27 July 2010

Digital Marketing: Strategies for Online Success Review

Poduct Description

The force of the internet and the power of online consumers have dramatically altered the face of today's business world. Understanding and using this resource to its best advantage is essential to the success of every business. "Digital Marketing: Strategies for Online Success" clarifies the complex subject of ecommerce, presenting a simple 8-step strategy for success in internet marketing. This book is essential for anyone seeking success in a business environment altered by the digital revolution. Godfrey Parkin presents fascinating facts about both the history and potential of the internet, as well as providing clear and practical advice on how to make the most of it. Key strategies are outlined on every aspect of ecommerce including a step-by-step guide to developing a low-risk business strategy; the principles of designing a website that works as a successful business tool; guidelines on maximising effectiveness of search engines, email marketing and online advertising, as well as advice on using web 2.0 and social media in order to expand brand awareness and increase sales. This book is indispensable to anyone who wishes his or her company to remain relevant in today's digital environment.


Sunday, 25 July 2010

Legally Steal Traffic from Blogger & Wordpress...

Blogging isn't new by any stretch. It's as old as Internet marketing itself.

It sounds like a great way to profit, doesn't it? Nothing could be simpler than writing content in your own blog, and watching the traffic roll in.

>> http://

Yep, sure sounds great... until you realize that you'll need to write until your fingers fall off.

That's the other part of the blogging story. You have to write A LOT.

Oh, it works, but it's a pain in the neck...until now.

Blogging can be painless. Creating TONS of blog entries and raking in massive amounts of free traffic can be push-button simple. Blog Hatter
makes it so easy, a kid can do it:


I bet you've heard people claim blogging
is dead.

In a way, they're right...

The competition for good content these days is so insanely strong, that if you try to do all the work by hand, you'll end up spending all day every day writing until you can't stand it anymore.

Think about it...

You have to create a blog, which most non-writers are scared to death to do, and most writers hate doing.

It doesn't take a genius to imagine how long that's going to take.

So you're stuck. You can create the blog posts yourself, or you can hire a writer to do it, and squash your profit margins.

Well, Blog Hatter bypasses this with the press a few buttons.

It's like having your own blogging staff slaving away for hours every day just to feed you free traffic. But you don't pay for the labor!

>> http://

While most bloggers are working (or spending) themselves to death, you produce SEVERAL blogs at once, click your mouse a few times and unleash the free traffic deluge.

I don't know about you, but that sounds like the kind of "work" I like.

Best of all, with a powerful tool like Blog Hatter on your side, you can invade any niche you want, elbow your competitors out of the way, and be king of the mountain in no time. In minutes, you'll have funneling free traffic.

That's the kind of competitive advantage you need, and it's out there waiting for you.

Here's to your blogging success,

confidential publishing

P.S. - I don't know when Donato is taking this off the shelves, so act fast!

>> http://

Thursday, 22 July 2010

The Rat Race Assassin Product Review

Clickbank marketplace is a way for people to reach financial freedom especially when they hate the constriction of their corporate or regular day jobs. It has been a hit among lots of people because the internet has opened up a big opportunity for people.

Most work-at-home concepts that are successful rely on starting with relatively little cost. Only with low-costs, can profits easily be realized. For example, if one were to start a brick-and-mortar business, the expenses of offices, inventory, and paying suppliers would be massive.

If we look at internet money making concepts however, you'll see that it is not this difficult to begin. Without the need for inventory, your business reduces down to a mere internet connection and need of nothing more.

With this in mind, one can also attain not just financial freedom, but also geographic freedom by making money through concepts like Clickbank marketplace. There is also the advantage of speed to reaching markets online. On the internet, you can reach millions of people without hours. It truly is this powerful.

This is among the many reasons that people love working online. As an added benefit, you get to spend time with your kids, family, friends or whatever you wish. One can even be on an exotic island and continue to work hassle free of bosses or corporate hierarchy.

If we look at some of the biggest companies out there today, they include internet companies such as eBay, Google, Amazon, Yahoo and others. The thing to remember is that just 15 years ago, many of these companies did not even exist. It is amazing what the internet has done for the founders of these companies.

The same benefit applies to you if you start working online and see how easy it potentially can be to generate a lot of money. Even extra income can be gotten through things like Clickbank marketplace.

Paul Coleman is an expert reviewer of easy methods to make money online. Currently, viewing the privately EXPOSED videos of how a newbie made $35,867 in his first 14 days:
More details visit => http://

Monday, 19 July 2010

How To Use "Viral Marketing" To Generate More Traffic

Copyright (c) 2006 Quick Turn Marketing International,

Have you ever visited a site, like what you see… and
then told your friends about it?


Have your friends ever told you about an interesting
or useful site they've visited in the last 30 days?

I'll bet this happens almost every day, or at least
weekly. Believe it or not there is actually a method
to this madness. These seemingly random acts of
"kindness" or referral may actually dramatically
impact your business.

OK Dan, so what are you talking about, right?

I am talking about Viral Marketing. Viral marketing is
key to your business. It is a simple and effective
tool you can use to drive traffic to your site,
without spending thousands of dollars implementing
more expensive marketing tools.

How can you take advantage of viral marketing?

The easiest to make your visitors tell their friends
and relatives about your site is by implementing a
"tell-a-friend" script.

If done correctly, a "tell-a-friend" script is one of
the most powerful traffic-generation strategies you'll
ever use. And it's FREE!

Here's how it works…

You ask your visitors to enter the name and e-mail
address of friends and relatives they think will be
interested in your site. Then, the script
automatically sends a personalized e-mail promotion
your site to all their friends from the visitor.

Now how are you going to get your visitors to enter
the names of their friends and relatives that may have
an interest in your site? Simple… Give them an
incentive. Make them an offer. Tell them WHY they
should refer their friends.

You can't just expect your visitors to enter
information. Remember they are giving up some of their
free time to refer other people to you. You have to
make it worth their while. You have to sell it.

If you want to watch the way I do it, go to:

Don't forget, you also have to provide your customers
with practical and useful content. You want
information on your site your visitors truly believe
will benefit their friends.

After all, they don't want to look like an idiot, and
neither do you! If you don't provide good content, in
fact if you provide anything but the best, I don't
care what "bribes" you offer… your visitors won't
refer anybody to you.

By doing this you can simply and easily virally grow
your list automatically!

Where do you find "tell a friend" scripts? You could
get some free tell a friend scripts if you do a Google

This is the script I use is:

And if you technical dummy like me, you can ask Paul
to install the script for you.

A simple twist to this strategy is you can have a
tell-a-friend contest as well. A protégé of mine did a
tell-a-friend contest that was extremely successful.
He increased his traffic by 5-fold in that week. How?

What he did was very simple, stating whoever referred
the most visitors to his site in that week would get a
free IPOD. Slack, eh?

Let me you another killer viral marketing strategy
that very few people use.

Giving away a free e-book is a pretty common strategy.
But what I want you to do is to create an e-book for
your AFFILIATES to give away to their lists.

Let's say you have a 20-page e-book. Instead of asking
your subscribers to pass it along (which is not very
effective) you encourage your visitors to join your
affiliate program. Then you let them customize and
brand the e-book with their own affiliate links for
your products!

Now, they're motivated to tell everyone about you. Now
they're motivated to pass it along the e-book to every
single soul they know. Why? They are getting something
out of it!

That's not all. The people who read the e-book might
also become your affiliates, they will go to your
sites, create more customized e-books and they too
will pass those e-books to more people.

Do you understand the power of this? That's viral
marketing on steroid!

If you're still a little confused, check out.

And see the various brandable e-books I offer my

And the people who read your e-books are much better
prospects because they're pre-sold on your materials.
So they're much more likely to buy from you when they
hit your sales page.

So what are you waiting for? Start cranking your
"viral marketing" machine today. You'll see that your
traffic and sales will grow steadily with absolutely
no work on your part.

Like the infomercial guru Ron Popiel said, "Just set
it and forget it!"


Dan Lok

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

A former college dropout, Dan Lok transformed himself
from a grocery bagger in a local supermarket to a
multi-millionaire. Today, Dan is one of the most
sought-after business mentors on the Web, as well as
a best-selling author. His reputation includes his title
as the World's #1 Website Conversion Expert.
To find out what Dan is up to now, visit him at:

Sunday, 18 July 2010

Your Online Business Model

Okay so maybe you don't have a product
currently and you're a little worried about
not being able to start on your online
business now.

Your worries are unfounded. You see,
many people have already made their
fortunes online without even promoting
products that were their own!

Surprised? Don't be. In fact one of the ways
novice marketers always start out with
is to become affiliates for a merchant.

What that means is this: The affiliate
ties up with the merchant to promote his
product online. Whenever someone buys
the merchant's product from the affiliate
(aka the novice) the merchant gets 70%
of the profit whilst the affiliate gets 30%.

It's honestly a fair deal because the merchant
dosn't spend time selling his product, and
the affiliate doesn't waste time creating one.

Another method people normally use is
to purchase resale rights products and re-
package them for a good sum of money.

This allows the buyer to save loads of time
and effort creating his own product and
to focus straight on marketing his 'product'
for profits.

There are tons of other things one needs
to know, and you'll get to find out more
in the next email...

To your online business empire,



Saturday, 17 July 2010

Wow - This 16-Year-Old Girl Really Made Over $405,000 In 45 Days! (Video)

The Rich 16-Year-Old's New Millionaire System s here! You can get in on the ground floor of this new system from a 16-year old girl who has cracked the code to affiliate marketing riches.

You see, most affiliates begin their efforts with the hunt and peck method. They’d try one thing and then another and another without really sticking to anything for any length of time. The result?

Most of them failed. Miserably. Don't be a part of this statistics!

Here's the formula that really works.


The Rich 16-Year-Old's New Millionaire System Hits The Market By Storm


Yes, she's only 16, and she's banked in over $405,000 from affiliate marketing in just under 45 Days!

And she's finally unleashed her secrets in the The Rich 16-Year-Old's New Millionaire System.


Don't Miss Out On This Revolutionary Formula!


This is the best way I know to jump in with both feet. Watch the incredible video of the Rich 16-Year-Old's $$405,000 earnings in just 45 days below:

Enjoy :)

PS: Don’t let a second go by. Start your new life today and grab the Rich 16-Year-Old's New Millionaire System while it’s still available – actually, I think it’s already gone but you may want to check just in case:

Wednesday, 14 July 2010

Post your article to 1000 blogs and get 3000 backlinks

Every webmaster knows the importance of link building, the process whereby links of other websites are pointing to a person’s website. Article Blast claims it can increase a website’s back links with only one click. This is achieved via a network of blogs and by featuring a website’s anchor text will greatly increase exposure and increase search engine rankings. The number of back links pointing to site is known as link popularity and it is claimed that search engines thrive on this aspect. Good content together with high quality relevant back links is what Article Blast claims to offer.

According to Article Blast the answer lies in content links rather than in blogroll or normal links. Blogroll links are simply found in the sidebar of a blog page and it is a known fact that in general web visitors does not notice or does not bother clicking on those links. Content links on the other hand is placed on anchor text on a website and is relevant to a specific topic or something people would want more information on and that link should be a person’s website. This can be a very time consuming process and Article Blast claims to come to the rescue.

So what exactly does Article Blast claim to offer? They will take a site’s anchor text and put it up with links on 1000 blogs scattered all over the net. These blogs are all on a different domain for example finance, automobile, SEO, business and health. In order to get started with Article Blast all that is required is to submit content of up to 1500 words, choose three links that will be pointing to a website and point out which keywords should be attached to the links. Article Blast offers thousands of pages that has top search engine rankings and claims all their blogs are Technorati rated. Further more the network is on fifty IP’s and the ping back service is linked to more than fifty websites. Article Blast further claims that all blogs used are safe and clean so there is no need to worry about blacklisting.

For more information visite this website: http://

Sunday, 11 July 2010

Rapid Mass Traffic: 95,237 visitors in ONE day... here's how

Let me ask you something...

What if I told you to STOP working day and night writing
articles, posting blogs, setting up PPC campaigns, searching high
and low for joint venture partners, creating videos ... and all
the other back breaking and boring stuff?

Would you think I'm crazy? I mean, how else is anyone going to
find your website online? How else are you going to get traffic?

Well not so long ago, a close friend of mine, Mo Latif did just
that. He walked away and dropped everything.

He stopped article marketing, blogging, SEO, link building,
press releases, social bookmarking ... all the old 'traditional'
marketing techniques everyone is talking about to this day.

He stepped away from these tired and 'old' traffic generation
methods, as he was sick of spending all his time at the keyboard.
I'm sure you would rather travel, relax and enjoy your life ...
wouldn't you?

So why did he suddenly drop the ball? Why didn't he carry on
doing what everybody else was doing?

He found the truth, it’s mind-blowing to be honest ...

Let me explain...

In the past he was generating around 250 visitors on a bad day.
The problem was, no matter how hard he tried, the traffic was

He wanted more, a lot more...

The traffic levels would never go beyond a certain point. He
used every trick in the book over the years, and even had staff
working for him. But still, the traffic always hit a peak and
just stayed there.

It got worse too... Google would change their search engine
algorithms *once again* and did you know they even started
banning Adwords accounts for no apparent reason and without

This left him no choice but to start all over again ... however
this time, it would be much harder, thanks to all the *NEW*
hurdles and hoops Google is going to make us jump through.

But did you know Google only accounts for 20% of the online
traffic? What happened to the other 80%?

For years, he spent all his time serving Google. Playing by
their rules, not to forget Yahoo and Bing. A complete search
engine puppet ... moulding his lame income around their greedy

Hiring SEO experts, writers, paying for backlinks, social
bookmarking, the works, just to keep up with their ever demanding
and changing requirements …

... in all this time, life passed him by, locked away in his
home office, busting his back trying to get (and keep) traffic
dribbling to websites.

But NOT anymore as those days are over.

He walked away being a traffic slave and developed a 3 step
system which taps into that remaining 80% of online traffic that
no one knows about. A traffic goldmine you absolutely must see
for yourself if you want to survive online...

= = > >

(And no, it's not Facebook, Twitter or Myspace ... it's NOT
about wasting your time trying to make friends with people so you
can sell to them one day)

And get this...

He checked his traffic stats the other day and to my amazement
this *NEW* unknown traffic source had generated 95,237 visitors
in a single day ... and it didn't involve ANY of those tired old
traffic methods you've been drowning in for so long.

He did encounter a problem though ... he was sending TOO MUCH
traffic to websites using nothing but an affiliate link! That's
right ... NO website and guess what else ... ?

The fulfillment people called him up and said stop whatever he
was doing because they couldn't process the orders fast enough!

Read more about this in an exclusive report which shows you how
he did it ...

= = > >

But that's not all...

Some people might say ANYONE can get a lot of traffic, but
targeted traffic is what pays the bills...right? Well, let me
reassure you ... this secret traffic source helped generate
$184,195 in ONE MONTH, just as an affiliate.

Is that targeted enough for you? :)

Listen ... forget hiring SEO experts, paying for overpriced
Adword ads and giving huge chunks of each sale away to affiliates
and JV partners...

... this system makes money so easily, it uses nothing but 3
steps in any niche or market.

= = > >

Other people might say you need to be an expert, or have special
connections. Honestly, they couldn’t be further from the

You see, this was done without any partner traffic, without
affiliates, without using existing traffic sources, without
calling in any favours and without buying a website which already
had traffic.

And for the record, these 95,237 visitors didn't come from some
SEO fluke, some expensive media buys, ad swaps or link building.
It was like flipping on a switch, and almost as easy.

Plus it's NOT complicated, NOT blackhat, NOT hard work and
certainly NOT *ILLEGAL*.

Anyway the traffic from Dec 16th 2009 to Jan 15th 2010 was as
low as, a pathetic 251 visits a day...

... and after pushing the button on the new traffic source, from
Jan 16th to Feb 15th 2010 the visitors skyrocketed up to 95,237
in a DAY! Make no mistake… that is a DAY. The proof is on the

= = > >

No Google. No Yahoo. No Bing. No slaps, no red tape, no SEO, no
article writing ... none of the usual crap you've been fed in the

So if you want the *underground* shortcut to getting TRUE server
crushing traffic, then I strongly suggest you learn it from this
f.ree report before he takes it down:

= = > >

And here's something else you should know...

A guy doing 'adhoc jobs' on a FARM used the 3 step system and
guess what ... ?

He went on to generate $1.2 million AND create a list of over
66,000 subscribers.

Crazy? Yes. Impossible? Heck no...

Consider this ... if a total newbie, a farm boy with no
experience or skill sets can make that kind of money and success
with this, then so can you. In fact, I'm already guessing you're
more experienced and smarter than he is.

There's a reason why the 'usual' traffic methods don't work
anymore ... because every man and his dog is hammering it all day
long. Everyone is undercutting the competition, working longer
hours, hiring more staff ... it's a blood bath out there.

So my advice is simple...

Walk away from it all, before you get sucked dry to the bone and
go mentally insane. Don't get caught up in their vicious cycle
and spend the next 5 years hoping things will get better ...
because the truth is, it's only going to get tougher and tougher
if you stand still and follow the sheep.

Download this f.ree report, click the link below and get ready
for a *new* future ... a future with no rules, hardly *any*
competition and without spending years stuck in front of the
screen trying to figure it out ...

= = > >



Saturday, 10 July 2010

5 Reasons Why Facebook Can Boost Your Business

Facebook is a massively popular site and by using a fan page you can start accessing over 400 million active users. A user base, that I should add, that is growing every single day.

But why should you use a Facebook fan page?

1 - Firstly, a fan page is an excellent way to build a comminuty online. As you are aware, the Internet is changing and becoming more community and socially orientated. Using a fan page as a place for your followers and people who are interested in what you are doing to come together provides you with numerous benefits. Your fans can provide testimonial, post pictures and video, hold discussion with each other and even comment on your posts. All of this helps to build a community and interaction with your potential and existing customers.

2 - Of course, let's not forget the benefit to you from a search engine optimization point of view. Facebook is a page that is frequently spidered by the search engines and is in good standing with them. By posting links to your websites on your fan page you can get a boost not only in being indexed, but in ranking too.

3 - There are plenty of tools within Facebook to allow you to analyse the demographics of your fans. These are called Insights by Facebook. Through a good understanding of these demographics you will be able to target your advertising precisely to meet the needs of your fans.

4 - There are many different options for you to communicate with your fans. You can start by updating your fan page which appears as a notification on your fans homepages or you can even send a message out to target a specific demographic of fan. This means you can really target your messages to get the maximum possible response rate.

5 - Finally let's talk about the price of all this. How much would you pay to access over 400 million users, to get a deep insight into your fan demographics and be able to communicate with them instantly? You'd probably be happy to spend a lot of money to be able to do all this, but Facebook provides it all for free!

Facebook fan pages can make a massive difference to your business. When you invest in the Facebook Fan Page Covert program you will be guided step by step through the process of setting up your fan page, building fans, promoting your website and monetizing it.

To be able to access this many targeted users is an invaluable resource and on that you, as an Internet Marketer should be tapping in to. Visit~> http: // now and start creating your Facebook fan page today.